all postcodes in L32 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L32 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L32 7PA 1 0 53.471769 -2.877845
L32 7PB 16 0 53.469569 -2.872573
L32 7PD 32 0 53.470212 -2.873203
L32 7PE 13 0 53.471511 -2.877463
L32 7PF 22 0 53.470866 -2.873458
L32 7PH 18 0 53.470345 -2.87435
L32 7PJ 11 0 53.46845 -2.873227
L32 7PL 22 0 53.468874 -2.874125
L32 7PN 19 0 53.469174 -2.873709
L32 7PP 31 0 53.46927 -2.875383
L32 7PQ 26 0 53.470536 -2.87315
L32 7PR 46 1 53.469779 -2.876703
L32 7PS 7 0 53.467954 -2.874618
L32 7PT 29 0 53.468762 -2.877226
L32 7PU 4 0 53.469165 -2.879901
L32 7PW 23 0 53.46977 -2.874233
L32 7PY 4 0 53.468291 -2.874053
L32 7PZ 11 1 53.469005 -2.875875
L32 7QE 17 0 53.468297 -2.87568
L32 7QF 29 0 53.468102 -2.877755